So! My bunch of kimono friends and I decided to have a little outing to say bye, since it would be the last time in at least 6 months that I'd see them again, and to welcome a new member into our fray: Lyuba! :D We set it on Saturday, 13th June 2009, and planned to meet at Piccadilly Circus at 12pm.
Hong and Isla came over to my flat a few hours beforehand to dress. Sadly, we didn't take any pictures then, because we felt like we were running late. But Hong and I did take photos of what we were wearing when we did get back to the flat! :) That's why we look really tired and our kitsuke is a little mussed up in these photos haha:
(Please do excuse the bad kitsuke in these pics, but it was after the outing, it was really hot, I was really tired, and I couldn't be arsed about how I looked.)
I wore this lovely blue ro kimono that Hong gave me as a birthday present last year ^_^ She absolutely hated the colour, but I think it's pretty cute, if somewhat annoying if not accessorized properly. I paired it with my summer mesh blue hakata nagoya obi, and wore it with pink and white accessories. My zori were made of hemp, and were blue, while my bag is a really adorable remake of old kimono that I'd bought from Singapore (Shop name is Kokon Tozai. There's an outlet in the airport around the check-in counters. I can't remember where the other two outlets are, but I'll tell you when I get back from Singapore later this summer).
I was a little worried that it may turn out to be a bit cold that day (not that it did) so I had brought along my black lace haori, just in case. I tried it on to see how it'd look:
Hong wore her chidori ro komon, with my bright red hakata obi, and pale green accessories. I think it looked really refreshing!
She also brought along a haori, just in case, because the green of the haori matched the accessories perfectly while the red of the cranes on the haori matched the obi! :D Too bad it was an awase haori, and thus completely inappropriate... Maybe she should use the same combi, but change the kimono and juban, and switch the obiage to a non-ro one! :D
Anyway, going onward.... We met at Piccadilly Circus at varying times, but we did managed to make the 12.30pm reservation :D
This is just four of us at Piccadilly Circus, because the others hadn't arrived yet at this point in time :P
And when we all got to the restaurant..
I had this deliciously gorgeous set, the name of which I can't remember now ^^;;; It was one of the DeLuxe sets, though!!
After lunch, we headed towards Minamoto Kitchoan for some wagashi (traditional Japanese sweets), stopped by Japan Center to have a look-see, then headed to Haagen Dazs for a fun dessert-and-chat time.
I had this incredibly delicious dessert, which is four mini-scoops of ice creams in individual pots. The flavours are: (left to right) mango, raspberry, cherries 'n cream (new flavour!!) and strawberries and cream. I loved it soooo much! It's perfect for me, because they're all fruity flavours, there's one scoop of everything, and none of the ice creams touch each other, so there's no mixing of flavours! :D It's my new favourite! (replacing banana caramel crepe hehehe)
The girl in bright yellow is the new member of their set, Lyuba! :) She was on the forums when she lived in Florida, but now she's moved to the UK. I'd been wanting to meet her since she has some really nice outfits, and goes out in kimono alot. It's really nice to finally have met her ^_^ Too bad it's only when I was saying goodbye...
And sadly, soon after Haagen Dazs, we all decided to split up and leave. I was rather upset to say goodbye to my first kimono friends, but well, that's how life goes, I guess. Still! I'm going back to London in either December or January for my graduation ceremony, and hopefully we'll be able to arrange another outing between us all :D
On a minor note, it's only been a week since I've been home, and I think I've already put on weight. But I wouldn't wonder why - I had nasi lemak in at least one meal a day for several days in a row. *shudders* And we just had chilli crabs for dinner just now (review and pics to come on my sister's blog sometime. Don't expect it to be too soon, cos she's going to Bali on Thursday!) x___x I sooooo need to go on a diet!
Okay, if internet is good, and I don't get all hung up over Sims 3 again (OMG it is sooooo addictive and sooooo fun to play!!) I'll post about no. 2 on my to-blog-about list tomorrow :D Goodnight!