Friday, 24 April 2009

Yukata Picnic!

When I dressed Michelle up in that furisode two weeks ago, we'd made a promise to have a kimono outing before she returned to Edinburgh. We made plans to have a picnic in the garden compound behind my flat, and we were all going to wear kimono! :)

Sadly, they were only able to arrive at 3pm, after which we had to prepare the food, so our picnic was at a rather odd time of the day. Also, Hong was meant to join us, but her flat got flooded (;o; poor poor thing!!) so she couldn't.. :( *sighs* And I was really looking forward to seeing her after such a long time...

Anywaaay... The weather was so nice and warm today that we decided to wear yukata! ^_^ Here are pictures of what we wore~~

Michelle is wearing my purple peony yukata with my navy blue ro tsuke obi. Mel is wearing my 2008 UNIQLO bunny yukata set.
Yukata Picnic

Yukata Picnic

I'm wearing my 1000yen UNIQLO yukata set, with blue swirling waters and orange kingyo (goldfish)! I think it makes me look older, but in a more elegant and refined way :D I must say, I'm proud of nice my kitsuke turned out, even though I took less than 10 minutes to put it all on.
Yukata Picnic

Of course, it being a 10 minute kitsuke meant that my obi wasn't as nice as usual.
Yukata Picnic

Pictures of the food!!
Yukata Picnic

Clockwise from left, we had "pancake sandwiches made with cream cheese and smoked salmon", "chorizo scotch eggs", "ham, cheese and spinach sandwiches", "wild mushroom quiche", "quiche Lorraine", "egg salad and spinach sandwiches" and "baby plum tomatoes" :) It was delicious!

Yukata Picnic

You can see the mixed seedless grapes and apples we had as dessert :)

Mel and Michelle enjoying the picnic!!
Yukata Picnic

We chose a private little corner at the top of a hill to have the picnic :) It was the flattest bit of land there was without being in the middle of the whole place, and it was just under the (now bare) cherry tree, and overlooks the whole area. It was a cosy little nook! It was really peaceful and pretty sitting there, especially since Darcy (the cat) was frolicking all around the area :D

It was fun! We really should do picnics more often! And next time, we WILL have Hong here too! XD


ihsara said...

ooh! i spot a pink wig!!!

Priscilla said...

hee :D Yeah! For a kimono-inspired cosplay haha XD It was really cheap, too!!